Below is all relevant connection and rate information for current customers, future customers, contractors, and commercial site selectors.
2024 Connection Incentive Program
Along with all of the benefits of connecting to a sanitary sewer system (see the brochure below), we are offering the following incentives for a limited time to new connectors:
- First 40 applicants will have the $1,500 connection fee and $50.00 application fee waived.
- The MCRSD has a limited number of grinder pump stations* available for sale. Pay only $4000 for a new grinder pump station. Early applicants may claim one.
- Estimated Total Savings = $1,550 waiver + $2,500 grinder pump discount = $4050 for Early Bird Applicants
*Grinder pump stations are needed to connect to a force main. If your property would connect to a gravity main, a grinder pump station is not required.
2024 Connection Incentive Program Brochure
To take advantage of this special opportunity, connect to the MCRSD sanitary sewer system by December 31, 2024.
New User Connection Agreement
Any and all residents or businesses requesting to connect to the Montgomery County Regional Sewer District sanitary sewer service must be approved to connect by the District and issued a Connection Permit to do so. To apply for a Connection Permit, please fill out The Connection Permit Application Form and Sewer Inquiry Form and mail in with the following applicable payments. The Sewer District requires a one-time Capacity Fee of $1,500.00 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) for each connection. In addition, the following table provides the permit and inspection fee prices.
The District will review your application to calculate associated fees. Once your application has been approved, our accounting department will send you an invoice for the Connection and Permitting Fees.
Montgomery County Government Center
1580 Constitution Row Suite E Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Connection Inspections
To schedule a connection inspection, please call the district at least 48 hours in advance of your desired inspection time.
Phone: (724) 309-4640 Email:
The District requires that your connection to the sewer is inspected by the District Engineer prior to filling in the completed construction. To schedule a connection inspection, please call BCS Management at least 48 hours in advance of your desired inspection time. Inspections can be scheduled Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 3:30PM.
The following document contains the currently effective rate ordinance and current schedules of rates and fees for residential and commercial customers.
Connection Specifications
Below are the District’s Connection Standards and Grinder Pump specifications for users and their contractors. Only the Grinder Pump Station make and model specified is authorized to be installed to the District’s Collection System. Uniform grinder stations ensure that the Collection System operates correctly and prevents damage to the system.
Change of Ownership
If you have relocated or recently moved into a property served by the Sewer District, please fill out the Change of Ownership Form and email to or mail in to:
Montgomery County Government Center
1580 Constitution Row – Suite E
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Exemption Ordinance
The district adheres to the Indiana Code when enforcing connections to its sanitary sewer infrastructure. If you believe your property qualifies for an exemption under Indiana Code Section 13-26-5-2.5, please contact the district at The district’s exemption ordinance can be found below.